Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Report Cites Declining Environment as Major Killer
AAP NewsfeedMay 2, 1998Nationwide General NewsOverseas Newsby Vicki Allen

According to a report by the United Nations, World Resources Institute, and World Bank, diseases caused by environmental degradation kill one in five children before age five in sub-Sahara Africa and parts of Asia. Many of the pollutants weaken the immune system and make people more vulnerable to bacteria and viruses.
According to Director for Environment, Robert Watson, of the World Bank, the report shows that human health effects of global warming were already occurring with increases in death from vector and water-borne diseases, Worldwide, almost one-fourth of all diseases are linked to environmental factors of poor water and sanitation, indoor air pollution and outdoor air pollution, as well as deaths from severe storms, flooding, heat waves, and other weather problems, vector and water-borne diseases, Vector-borne diseases are spread by insects and rodents.
Malaria, diarrhea, cholera, pesticide poisoning, and respiratory infections from air pollution contributed to 11 million childhood deaths a year, the report said.

This tells us about the many harmful effects on pollution. We may think that it might only happen in the future, hence will not effect us, but we should think about our descendants. They will suffer because of our "evil" doings, or in simpler words, our "sins".
Hi Everybody!! Thanks for viewing our blog. Basically, this blog will tell you about the various kinds of pollution and how to prevent them. This blog has been created for our OPW( online project work). If you have any opinions or enquiries, please feel free to contact us at meepozopw@hotmail.com. Thank You!
Pollution is just a general word to describe the countless types of pollution. The most common types are Land, Air and Water. Pollution is also a result of people not caring about our environment. They normally litter, dump waste in rivers or other water bodies. As a result, the air, water and the surrounding land is polluted in its own unique way. Pollution brings on many harmful effects, such as global warming, and the depletion of the ozone layer, etc. These effects and their causes will be described in other posts.